Here's something to ponder: Everything you're believing right now can be re-believed, retooled and retold. Each of us has baggage we drag from situation to situation throughout our lives. The difference lies in and for the people that take the time to empty those bags and examine the contents. Like a gray matter archaeologist, armed with a longish stick to keep a safe distance from the now unbound material, I want you to take a closer look at what you're seeing and what you're believing about what you're seeing. Then take a few steps back, ask yourself how many times your ideas about your life have tripped you up, slowed you down, or caused you to un-mindfully repeat painful patterns. One by one, take a look. Now, ask yourself: How can I reshape this item in my mind so when it comes up, it's energizing, not demoralizing? Maybe your story is one of uncaring parents. Flip it around, just for a second. Isn't it also possible-maybe even likely- that their lack of caring molded you into someone who's deeply compassionate? And what are you ready to do with your deep compassion? Or perhaps your story anchors itself in a narrative about lack and struggle. Isn't it possible that story could be turned into a profile of someone who is deeply committed to succeeding because "things just don't come that easy to me." Furthermore, how might you inspire someone who is currently struggling? I firmly believe we're in the writer's chair here-every day-and we often miss opportunities to re-write the script the way we want it to read. So what is your story about you? What are your biggest obstacles that are now just waiting for you to edit the words, streamline the sentences, cut the unnecessary/unhelpful/longwinded. Maybe even change the headline. And what does it require of you? Your time. Your attention. Your mindfulness, deliberation and work. And a deep commitment to feeling differently about everything that lead you to your current now. Make yours a story worth retelling to anyone ready to listen. Especially you.
personal development and Equus coach, former Penn State journalism instructor and professional writer. Archives
June 2021