Bypass the outdated resolutions for the coming year. Consider these instead:
1-Be brief. Endless chatter is distracting and off point. Choose your words intentionally and carefully. 2-Be gentle. With yourself, with other beings and with the planet. 3-Notice what you notice. And then consider why you noticed it to begin with. Are you getting a nudge from the Universe? Is something calling to you? 4-Surround yourself with people that remind you of who you really are, especially if you seem to have momentarily forgotten. 5-If a goal feels heavy/burdensome, reconsider your commitment to it. 6-Want more love? Be more loving. It's that simple. 7-Old friends are like the deepest roots of a tree, steadying us in challenging times-honor them. 8-There's always, always something to be grateful for. 9-Bic Ballpoints, despite their tendency to have lost and/or broken caps, really are the perfect writing instruments. 10-What do you currently have "too much of"? Ask yourself why. 11-Your deepest wounds offer the most growth potential. Don't be too quick to shield them from the light. 12-Take responsibility for your feelings and the conditions of your life. If you don't like where you are, it's up to you to do something to change it. Victimhood is exhausting. 13-It is not good to speak of things you have not seen. Say only what you have seen with your eyes. 14-You already have all your own answers. Trust. Your. Instincts. 15-Sometimes things are happening "for" you, not "to" you. Notice the difference. 16- The world needs your talent and unique vision. Do your part to bring what you have to fruition. 17-Every once in a while, let yourself really be seen. 18-Think less; feel more. 19-There's a humorous aspect to almost everything, when you take the time to look for it. 20-Your life is about building, so use everything you've got.
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personal development and Equus coach, former Penn State journalism instructor and professional writer. Archives
June 2021